Module 6 Learning Guides

Module 6 Learning Guides

These guides are used by and facilitated by instructors with learners.  They are designed to extend the learning in the self-paced modules.

General Guides

Learning Guides

Guide Name and Description/Objectives

Related Lesson/Module Section


Learning Guide 6.1: Setting the Stage

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify the challenges in implementing instruction that maximizes learning and improves developmental and functional outcomes.
Setting the Stage (1:52 run time)
Identify the challenge(s).

Learning Guide 6.2: Ask The Expert

With this guide, learners will:

  • Describe instructional practices.
  • Identify key characteristics of recommended practices related to instruction.
Lesson 1: Ask the Expert (2:52 run time)
Instructional practices are defined and the best available research on instructional practices is summarized by Dr. Ilene Schwartz.

Learning Guide 6.3: Gathering Information

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify common characteristics of instructional practices.
  • Work with peers to discuss systematic instructional practices.
Lesson 2: Gathering the Information (Part 1- 17:16 run time; Part 2- 10:27 run time; Part 3- 5:39 run time)
Characteristics of instructional practices and the four phases of learning are explained with examples and activities.

Learning Guide 6.4: Take Action

With this guide, learners will:

  • Apply instructional practices by creating an embedded learning opportunity matrix.
  • Provide instructional activities into natural learning environments.
Lesson 3: Take Action (7:50 run time)
A deeper dive into the four phases of learning using a scenario with a family. Also, instructional strategies for dual-language learners and data-driven instruction are explained with examples and activities.

Learning Guide 6.5: Voices from the Field

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify practitioners' and families' views on critical issues related to instructional practices.
Lesson 4: Voices from the Field
Practitioners and family leaders share their expertise and perspectives on using instructional practices.

Learning Guide 6.6: Performance Feedback Guide

With this guide, the learner will:

  • Understand the characteristics of instructional practices and how they support child learning outcomes.

Learning Guide 6.7: Practice Profile

This guide describes example behaviors of practitioners that are associated with each DEC Recommended Practice along a continuum of expected/proficient behaviors to developmental behaviors and unacceptable behaviors.

Module 6 Do Section

Module 6 Study Section


Learning Guide 6.8: Setting the Stage- Wrap-Up

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify the challenges in implementing instruction that maximizes learning and improves developmental and functional outcomes.
  • Describe how to apply DEC Recommended Practices for Instruction in discussing a practice dilemma.
Module 6 Act Section

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