Module 7 Learning Guides

Module 7 Learning Guides

These guides are used by and facilitated by instructors with learners.  They are designed to extend the learning in the self-paced modules.

General Guides

Learning Guides

Guide Name and Description/Objectives

Related Lesson/Module Section


Learning Guide 7.1: Setting the Stage

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify the challenges in implementing instruction that maximizes learning and improves developmental and functional outcomes.
Setting the Stage (1:58 run time)
Identify the challenge(s).

Learning Guide 7.2: Ask The Expert

With this guide, learners will:

  • Describe assessment practices.
  • Identify key characteristics of recommended practices related to assessment.
Lesson 1: Ask the Expert (3:11 run time)
Assessment practices are defined and the best available research on assessment practices is summarized by Dr. Jane Squires.

Learning Guide 7.3 Gathering Information

With this guide, learners will:

  • Understand the meaning of assessment.
  • Understand the purposes of assessment in supporting children and families.
  • Understand the legal requirements related to assessment.
  • Identify the characteristics of assessment.
Lesson 2: Gathering the Information (9:47 run time)
Characteristics of assessment practices and the four phases of learning are explained with examples and activities.

Learning Guide 7.4: Using Assessment

With this guide, learners will differentiate between the four uses of assessment.

Lesson 3: Using Assessment (Part 1- 8:12 run time; Part 2- 13:50 run time; Part 3-11:35 run time)
Using assessment for determining eligibility and educational planning is explained with examples and activities. Using assessment to monitor child progress and evaluate child outcomes is also described with examples and activities.

Learning Guide 7.5: Voices from the Field

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify practitioners' and families' views on critical issues related to instructional practices.
Lesson 4: Voices from the Field
Practitioners and family leaders share their expertise and perspectives on using assessment practices.

Learning Guide 7.6: Reframing Activity

With this guide, learners will:

  • Reframe statements about families and children during the assessment process to reflect an anti-bias viewpoint.
  • Reflect on implicit bias and its impact on their practice.

Learning Guide 7.7: Performance Feedback Guide

This guide can be used with learners who have engaged in assessment processes and practices that benefit young children with disabilites.

Module 7 Do Section

Module 7 Study Section


Learning Guide 7.8: Practice Profile

This guide describes example behaviors of practitioners that are associated with each DEC Recommended Practice for Assesment along a continuum of expected/proficient behaviors to developmental behaviors and unacceptable behavior.

Learning Guide 7.9: Setting the Stage: Wrap-Up

With this guide, learners will:

  • Identify the challenges in implementing instruction that maximizes learning and improves developmental and functional outcomes.
  • Describe how to apply DEC Recommended Practices for Assessment in discussing a practice dilemma.
Module 7 Act Section

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