Voices from the Field: Cori Hill

Voices from the Field: Cori Hill

Cori HillCori Hill talks about various aspects of transitioning from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and into early intervention. 


Q1: What does transition entail?

Q2: What aspects are specific to a family transitioning home from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and into early intervention?

Q3: What can early interventionists do to support families as they plan and prepare to make this big transition?

About the Speaker

Cori Hill, M.Ed., Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Specialist, works at the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is the project director for the Integrated Training Collaborative which provides coordination and oversight for Virginia’s Comprehensive System of Personnel Development for early interventionists. Cori is also an adjunct faculty member at James Madison University where she teaches and supervises graduate early childhood special education and inclusive early childhood education students.