Voices from the Field: Dr. Jeanette McCollum

Voices from the Field: Dr. Jeanette McCollum

Dr. Jeanette McCollum

Dr. Jeanette McCollum provides tips on how to take children’s and families’ cultural context into consideration. Click the play button to listen to the audio clips. 

Q1: Why is cultural context important to understanding responsive interaction intervention with young children with disabilities and their families?

Q2: What are two-to-three tips for fostering culturally responsive interaction opportunities with children with disabilities?

About the Speaker

Jeanette McCollum is retired from the University of Illinois, where she developed, administered, and taught in the graduate program in Early Childhood Special Education within the Department of Special Education. With colleagues, she developed the PIWI approach to parent-child interaction intervention, and also conducted cross-cultural research on parent-child interaction in families whose children had disabilities. Currently she serves as a consultant on several state projects related to the quality of inclusive early childhood programs for children with and without disabilities and their families.