Voices from the Field: Constance Walker

Voices from the Field: Constance Walker

Constance Walker

Constance Walker talks about the fact that early childhood programs are failing boys, particularly boys of color, and provides strategies for how to address this disturbing trend.

Q1: What do we know about how early childhood programs are failing boys of color? [transcript]

Q2: What strategies can teachers use to fully support boys in their learning? [transcript]

About the Speaker

Constance Walker manages and oversees the services/contracts of agencies that provide technical assistance/consultation to early childhood programs to support and maintain children with special needs that include: medical, developmental, social/emotional/behavioral challenges. This program provides prevention/intervention services to the teacher on behalf of children with special needs. The goal of this program is to maintain children with special needs in a stable early childhood setting by developing/enhancing the skills of the teacher/provider. Constance continues to provide professional development in the community around working with children with special needs and supporting boys in the early childhood setting.